The following is a list of organizations, both active and defunct, whose ideological beliefs are categorized as neo-Nazism. Various white power skinhead groups as well as select factions of the Ku Klux Klan are listed only if they espouse neo-Nazi ideals as a whole. This list does not include pre organizations founded either before or during World War II; "neo-Nazi" literally means "new Nazi". Additionally, this list does not include musical artists, record labels or music festivals associated with the neo-Nazi movement. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read View source View history. Tools Tools. What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Cite this page Get shortened URL Download QR code. Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikidata item. Part of a series on Neo-Nazism Core tenets. National Socialism Hitlerism Strasserism Esoteric Nationalism Ethnic White Ultra- Neo-fascism Pan-nationalism Pan-European Accelerationism Totalitarianism One-party state Hierarchy Natural law Eugenics Social Darwinism Autarky Nordicism Populism Racial supremacy White Reactionism Third Position Nativism Xenophobia Ultranationalism Opposition to immigration Anti-parliamentarianism Anti-liberalism Anti-capitalism Anti-communism Anti-Marxism Antisemitism Anti-Zionism. Daily Stormer A Warning to the Hindus Der erzwungene Krieg The Lightning and the Sun Impeachment of Man The Turner Diaries Siege. By region. Canada Russia Serbia Ukraine United States United Kingdom. Related topics. Far-right politics Feminazi Holocaust denial Nazi chic Right-wing terrorism Ku Klux Klan Neo-Stalinism Northwest Territorial Imperative Political Soldier Rock Against Communism Third Position Wiki Sex Guide Madrid Morenazi. Rhodesia Zimbabwe. Caribbean and South America. Belgium and the Netherlands. Part of a series on. Core tenets National Socialism Hitlerism Strasserism Esoteric Nationalism Ethnic White Ultra- Neo-fascism Pan-nationalism Pan-European Accelerationism Totalitarianism One-party state Hierarchy Natural law Eugenics Social Darwinism Autarky Nordicism Populism Racial supremacy White Reactionism Third Position Nativism Xenophobia Ultranationalism Opposition to immigration Anti-parliamentarianism Anti-liberalism Anti-capitalism Anti-communism Anti-Marxism Antisemitism Anti-Zionism. Literature Daily Stormer A Warning to the Hindus Der erzwungene Krieg The Lightning and the Sun Impeachment of Man The Turner Wiki Sex Guide Madrid Siege. Culture " 88 " Fashwave " Fourteen Words " " Hitler was right " Nazi punk NSBM Nipster " White Power " White power skinhead White power music. By region Canada Russia Serbia Ukraine United States United Kingdom. Related topics Far-right politics Feminazi Holocaust denial Nazi chic Right-wing terrorism Ku Klux Klan Neo-Stalinism Northwest Territorial Imperative Political Soldier Rock Against Communism Third Position Alt-right Morenazi. Politics portal. Rhodesian White People's Party. Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging. Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging. South African National Front. Black Shirts Gang. National Socialist Party of Canada. Aryan Brotherhood of Texas. Blood Tribe. Imperial Klans of America. Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. National Alliance. National Socialist Kindred.
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